Therapy for Twenty-Somethings


Every person who isn’t in their 20s seems to have a permanent set of rose-tinted glasses pointed back toward these golden years, but for people in their 20s, it can be difficult see this time as anything other than stressful, exhausting, and anxiety-inducing. We get it. There’s a lot of change going on, you’re learning and growing, you’re building relationships. It’s a lot. You don’t have to, and simply can’t, do all of it perfectly. Even more importantly, you don’t have to do it all on your own. If you’re interested in learning more about therapy for twenty-somethings, you’ll find the basic details here, and one of the knowledgeable therapists at Lakeside Counseling would be happy to answer any questions during a consultation visit.


Why Can Twenty-Somethings Benefit from Therapy? 

Most people who visit with us are here to navigate some kind of life transition. Think about it, some of the most common reasons people seek therapy are about change, including things like grief over the loss of a loved one, because they’re struggling to feel authentic in a new career, or they’re navigating a breakup. Even those concerns that don’t seem like they’re about change really are. Mood disorders like depression and anxiety and the mind and body’s response to trauma may not seem like they’re transitional issues, but isn’t the reason these things are difficult the fact that they change you and how you interact with the world? 

The point is that change is never easy. We as humans are not very good at it. The 20s can be a highly transition time. Many young adults are graduating from college, getting their first jobs, and living independently for the first time. That’s a lot of change all at once, so if you’re not feeling like yourself, no one blames you. From financial worries and changes in familial roles to new jobs and other “adulting” stresses, your 20s may not feel like your best decade. The good news is you don’t have to do any of this on your own. Through therapy, you can learn the coping skills, communication tools, and interpersonal strategies that will help you to effortlessly navigate even the most difficult times in your life. 


What Happens During Therapy for Twenty-Somethings? 

Forget about all those therapy sessions they show in TV shows and movies. These are typically inaccurate. Some do better than others, but for the most part, they give the wrong idea about visiting a therapist. Our ethical clinicians aren’t going to fall in love with or stalk you outside of sessions, and we won’t be torturing you while you’re here. Instead, therapy sessions are all about helping you understand yourself more deeply, set goals, and develop skills to achieve them. That might include using a number of different approaches, and if you’ve done your research on Psychology Today, you probably read about some of them. The important thing to know is that one of your therapist’s best skills is responding to people. They will work to recognize your needs and provide you with the best resources to achieve your therapy goals. 


Get Started with an Initial Appointment

At Lakeside Counseling, we begin the therapy process with a 55 minute intake session to explore the reasons you are seeking therapy and to set goals. When you’re ready to get started, we look forward to hearing from you.